
Showing posts from January, 2014

Rabbit Trap Hotel, Albert NSW

I'm really bad at updating this blog. But in my defense, it's too hot outside to do anything with my life. Except get really excited to go to the coast.

List of Canadian Musicians and Bands to Quote to People Who Think That There's No Good Music That Comes Out of Canada

One of the questions I get the most in Australia is: What good stuff comes out of Canada anyways? I usually answer with, me, of course. But usually they want to know about movie stars and musicians, and I have a really hard time remembering who is from Canada and who's from America and who's from the UK etc etc etc. And I know that a good many of my favourite bands and musicians, are, in fact Canadian so I wanted to make a list of all my favourite Canadians musicians (and then ones who are pretty notable (meaning I have heard of them)). Lisa's List of Canadian Musicians and Bands to Quote to People Who Think That There's No Good Music That Comes Out of Canada So everyone knows: Nickleback Avril Lavigne Justin Bieber And while, yes, I have been known to listen to both on occasion, there are SO MANY BETTER BANDS out there that should be more notable globally because they are great. PS. They are mostly in alphabetical order because I went through a list on W

Christmas in Narromine

A lot of people have been asking me lately how I like Narromine. To be honest, for some reason I have a hard time saying that I do like it here. I can’t figure out why, but I have a feeling it’s to do with knowing that I have left people I have made connections with in WA, and that’s making it harder to fully incorporate into this community. Something just feels a little bit off here. The biggest conclusion I have come to in the last couple of days is that, as excited as I am to go home, I want to make sure I make the most of my time here (in Narromine, and anywhere else I may end up) and that I don’t go home the same person I left as.